Thursday 18 October 2007

Self Evaluation . . .

Attainment A
- Haven't done any proper essays for this to be based on but i'm working as hard as i did last year.

Effort - 1
- Do all my media homework to the best of my ability and generally try hard because i do enjoy the subject in general

Punctuality - 1
- On time

Ability to work independently -1
- usually find it easier to work on my own.

Quality of writing - 2
- find it hard to express my self clearly straight away... but get there eventually.. sort of..

Organization of Media folder- 1
Yup.. everything is in the relevant sections...

Oral contributions in class- 2
There hasn't been much opportunity for class discussion as of yet as we've been focusing mainly on presentations. I contribute every lesson but should contribute more. everyone needs to contribute more in Mrs Jones' lesson!

Standard of Module 5 blog -2
All tasks are completed well... just need to do more self directed research.

Standard of Module 6 blog- 3/4
Ok.. most.. well all that is up there is copied and pasted :|

1) - Quality of work overall
2) - Keeping up to date with med 5 blog work
3)- organization of folder

1) Complete set tasks QUICKERRRRR
2) more self directed research

Sunday 14 October 2007

Textual analysis - Song "We're breaking free"

High School Musical textual analysis

Song scene: “What I’ve been looking for”

The clip shown below is the penultimate song titled “We’re breaking free” from the Disney channel’s hit DCOM ‘High School Musical’.

Characters Troy and Gabriella stand on stage ready to sing. Troy stands wearing his ‘Wildcats’ Tracksuit and Gabriella wearing her lab coat. Their outfits, act as props as they represent their different identities (Troy as a sportsman and Gabriella as a genius) by playing upon stereotypes. The use of stereotypes in this way appeals to the target ‘tweenage’ audience as they are easily identifiable and so make viewing and interpreting the film easier. By wearing these clothes on stage together the characters display how they are able to have different interests and roles (i.e. to sing and have other interests) at the same time without clashing and still be accepted by their peers for who they are. By doing so the characters display how they have broken away from merely accepting the status quo. This is confirmed further through the parallel lyrics of the song “we’re breaking free”, as the characters have finally broken away from the constraints and confines of peer pressure and are happy and confident enough to display their individual identities.Their new found acceptance by their peers is signified through the standing applause that they receive connoting support and solidarity.

Moreover, dark lighting combined with stage spot lights is used on stage in order to help create a theatrical effect, conforming to what can be seen as a main convention of film musicals. The dark lighting used on stage also helps to create a slightly tense atmosphere as the two characters stand nervous on stage. The spot lights used also help to intensify this feeling of apprehension as all attention is focussed upon the two main characters on stage. Additionally, the dark lighting also helps to convey key ideologies such as love by creating a romantic effect.

The relationship between the two characters is shown further through their presence on stage. Character Troy begins to sing first and also offers his hand out to Gabriella who appears to be more frightened. Gabriella’s hand rests on top of Troy’s hand representing that she is weaker and inferior to him as she requires his support, thus introducing a slightly patriarchal ideology.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

del.ici.ous Links for study...

Representation of women in the musical genre.

What is it? : The link above is to a past media student's blog containing an independent study titled "
"Don't sweat it. I can do it alone." Explore how time has changed the representation of women in the musical genre, with reference to ‘Chicago’ (2002)".

How can i use it in my study? : For tips on essay structure, points of reference for further research. Information into the traditional stereotyping of women in musical films as passive/sexual. Can use the information as contrasts to the portrayal of women in 'HSM' (may just be down to the type of musical film). Can make use of theorists regarding gender and representation.

Generic Conventions and Genre Evolution - Rick Altman

What is it? : An essay into generic conventions and genre evolution titled "How useful is Altman's discussion of the intra- and inter-generic processes of genre? How, for example, does the merging of various generic conventions in films such as Total Recall or Robocop alter the western "formula"?"

How i can use it in my study? : Theorist Rick Altman directly links to my study as he talks about the musical film genre. Need to research further into Altman's ideas on musical film.

Musical/Dance films

What is it? : A site with information on the musical film genre as a whole as well as in depth information into the highs and lows of the genre's history as well as information on many past film musicals.

How can i use it in my study? : Provides me with information of the musical film genre to include in my study as well as various successful musical films to refer to.

Musicals and dance moves:

What is it? : An article titled "Musicals and Dance" ( The third of the UK Film Council’s latest '25 Words or Less' genre initiative)

How can i use it in my study? : Very informative and interesting article. Really breaks down identifiable aspects of musical film and looks at how they've changed over time. I could use the break down as a basis of the main conventions used in film musicals.

A History of the Musical. What Is A Musical? by John Kenrick

What is it? : Information into the history of film musicals.

How can i use it in my study? : Provides me with some background information into the origin of film musicals as a genre as well as opinion based information into the essential qualities of musical films.

History of Musical Film. 2000 to Today (2004), by John Kenrick

What is it? : A more detailed history of musical film history with lots of references to texts of the film musical genre.

How can i use it in my study? : Include information on the history of the musical film genre and refer to its key texts.

Dance in screen musicals

What is it? : Information on the spectacle of dance in screen musicals.

How can i use it in my study? : Is useful as it gives me information into one of the key conventions of the musical film genre, dance. Raises an interesting argument into whether modern fast editing is taking over the need for talent when trying to achieve the notion of spectacle through the choreography in modern film musicals.

Genre: Musical (RESOURCES)

What is it? : List of resources.

How can i use it in my study? : Provides useful links for further research. Half of the online links are no longer working though! grrr . The books however, look useful.

A Brief History of the Hollywood Musical

What is it? : website with information into the history of musical film

How can i use it in my study? : Combine information from this source as well as others to generate an insight into the history and development of film musicals that i could include in my own study.

Study guide 12 Genre and Hollywood Musicals

What is it? : A pdf document created as a study guide, specifically catered towards a media studies module on Genre and Hollywood Musicals

How can i use it in my study? : Some interesting and relevant material under the following titles: "Musicals Come of Age" and "The Demise of the Musical".

Key words for study...

American Dream:

Definition: The American dream is the idea held by many in the United States of America that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity.

How it relates to my study: Although presented with a modern slant, the American dream is one of the main ideologies apparent in ‘HSM’. Characters Troy and Gabriella for example, demonstrate the benefits of working hard and adopting courage by being selected for lead roles in the musical.


Definition: An advertising concept where a product is given an identity.

How it relates to my study: ‘HSM’ itself has virtually become a brand as a result of Disney merchandise.

Examples of 'HSM' merchandise:
-HSM Barbies
- Girl's High School Musical Uno card game
-HSM Magic 8 ball
- Desert plates, cups, napkins, party invitations
- Stationary
- Folders
- Bed covers
- Lunch boxes
- Stickers . . .

Branding of ‘HSM’ also links to economic context due to the large revenue that it creates.

Coming of age:

Definition: Film type that deals with puberty, adolescence and the growth of maturity and search for sexual identity.

How it relates to my study: ‘HSM’ appropriates some aspects of a ‘coming of age’ film through its narrative. Teen characters grow in maturity in the film by valuing change and becoming more open minded. Troy and Gabriella also touch upon sexual identity as they share a kiss in the film and appear to be love interests. Growth in maturity and sexual identity are set against the difficulties of growing up in the film therefore conforming to the characteristics of a ‘coming of age’ film.

Disney Corporation (the Walt Disney Company):

Definition: International Media Corporation founded by Walt Disney

How it relates to my study: The institution behind ‘HSM’ (see posting on institution).


Definition: Having socialist or communist political ideas that advocate change and are critical of the status quo in society.

How it relates to my study: ‘HSM’ presents some left-wing ideologies on a micro level. Characters battle against the status quo (enforced by peers), in search of personal identity and change. The segregation and struggle against the status quo depicted in the film may act as a microcosm


Definition: Satisfaction received from the consumption of media texts.

How it relates to my study: Tweenage audience recives pleasure from the simple narrative structure and easily identifiable character roles. Todorovian narrative structure allows audiences expectations to be fulfilled leaving hem with a sense of pleasure and fulfilment from viewing.